Hi there…firstly let me welcome you to my online portfolio and thank you for taking the time to have a look around. My name is Mark McCormick and I am, for my sins, a freelance music journalist based in East Anglia, England. In 2001, myself along with two friends, found ourselves (after an unusual series of events) launching a ‘What’s On’ magazine called ‘Outline’ for the East Anglia region. At this time, I would the be junior of the team whose role it was to sell advertising and create promotion for our independent publishing company. After a couple years and a lot of learning curves I was asked to take complete creative control of the publication. Although I had little editorial experience I wondered, ‘How hard can it be to ask someone a question?’, which really is the point where this journey began. Between 2004 & 2010 I was lucky enough to self-source and interview over forty major musical acts, covering a massive spectrum of artists representing a kaleidoscope of genres and styles.

From here, it didn’t take too long for me to realise that this was the part of my world I most enjoyed…the research, the interview time and then creating the final piece of work, which would hopefully sell that particular act to a whole new set of’ unsuspecting fans. Towards the end of 2009 I reached the milestone of publishing 100th consecutive monthly editions. I’d been extremely luckly with the quality of acts I’d interviewed, which had helped massively towards creating a formidable portfolio of work. I felt this was the perfect time to chase down the dream of becoming a full time music journalist and specialist interviewer but on a much bigger national platform.

As of now, I’m available to review albums, concerts & interview acts on a freelance basis. Contact details are available within this portfolio. Please take a few minutes to browse through my interviews and album reviews where, fingers crossed, you’ll hopefully enjoy some of the utterly amazing conversations I’ve found myself having with some of my all time heros. Although I had little formal journalist training, it appeared those with a Rock n’ Roll ilk or of a Hip Hop persuasion seemed to take a shine to my continual flim-flam and endless running on…by indulging me a lot further than they probably should have…

Thanks – Mark


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